
The Downsides of DIY Investing

With home ownership out of reach for many people, we’re seeing shifts in investing priorities that align with generational differences, particularly from Millennials and Gen Z. Following on from Boomers, who are tipped as the wealthiest generation in history, things are tough in a world where costs keep rising and outpacing income.

In and out of currency fashion

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are receiving intense media coverage, prompting many investors to wonder whether these new types of electronic money deserve a place in their portfolios.What are investors to make of all this media attention? What place, if any, should bitcoin play in a diversified portfolio?

Bitcoin bubble, the new tulip mania Part II

ver the years there have been numerous economic bubbles and subsequent crashes, for example, the dot-com bubble, the stock-market bubble, and the real estate bubble.

But the one few may be aware of is the tulip bulb market bubble (also known as tulip mania) of the 17th century in the Netherlands.

The bitcoin bubble – Part I

What if there is a technological advancement so powerful that it transforms the fundamental pillars of our society?

A technology that fundamentally influences the way our economy, governance systems and business functions, and could change our conceptual understandings of trade, ownership, and trust.